BNS now with 24/6 tech-support!

BNS clients are now guaranteed of 24/6 technical support.  Yes, that’s right. That would mean 24 hours of phone, email and online chat support which will give our valued clients better and more effective service.

Phone support: +63-075-6143247; +63-075-522-5089

Email support: team[at]

Or click our Live Support Online button in our website.

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BNS now with 24/7 tech-support!

BNS clients are now guaranteed of 24/7 technical support. Yes, that’s right. That would be 24 hours of phone, email and online chat support from Mondays to Sundays to give our valued clients better service and efficiency.

6 thoughts to “BNS now with 24/7 tech-support!”

  1. hello, I would like to publish our website with your support. can u please send me a plan for your webhosting… our website is temporarily under geocities. here is the address:
    please reply asap. thanks

  2. Hi, I interesting about your hosting package, but we dont know how to transact business in your website, i need your assistance. Please help me



  3. Can you please email me a detailed instruction (step by step) how to open and edit/upload my website

    Josie Garcia/ Josefa Garcia

  4. Hi

    I am trying to post a message/ comments on the radio broadcast but i always get this response.

    “You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘s approach the throne of God and believe that in the future that El Shaddai DWXI’ at line 1”

    Please help me. What shall I do?


  5. hi

    I interesting about hostimg package, where is located your data center and the servers?
    And please offer to my plan with linux server.


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