Send A Christmas Gift to the Philippines

Looking to send a christmas gift to the philippines now that Christmas is just around the corner? Look no further than at This is where you will find the largest selection of products under one “roof” from the most prominent vendors in the Philippines.

Check out some of the site’s offerings. Its electronics section offers Apple Ipods…although there is no mention of the iPhone- one of my Christmas wish list. This site is ideal if you want to send a birthday present, a large appliance, a special little something or prefer to one-stop shop with a credit card instead of assembling and shipping a balikbayan box.

Useability Analysis:
Doing some shopping on the site, it appears that you have to be a registered customer before you can access the final checkout counter.

I used my google toolbar’s autofill to quickly fill in the form. Filling the form was thus made quickly. I also noticed that they have breadcrumb trails at the top. Another useful navigation tool.

However, the site requires that you agree to their return policy. I was NOT able to locate where the return policy was. So this is one minor feedback for improvement of the site.

The credit card form was secured by SSL certificate from GTE cybertrust. So I don’t have any trust issues there.

The site also provides additional info on their site that includes upcoming information about Associations, banks and Chruches. The information about Churches will allow one to keep in touch with one’s faith.

While the site accepts payment via Credit card,  I wonder if it also accepts Paypal?

Here are some items from the site that are on my personal takam takam list: Tuyo!

And then after eating my meal with the bottled tuyo. I can finish off with the delectable almond crunch! Yummy!

Shared Hosting

If you are looking for an economical hosting for your website, then go SHARED!

Shared Web Hosting service is where more than one web site is hosted on the same server. It is generally the most economical option for hosting as many people share the overall cost of server maintenance.

In shared hosting, the provider is generally responsible for management of servers, installation of server software, security updates and other aspects of the service.

BNS Hosting offers both LAMP and ASP.NET Shared Hosting.


LAMP Hosting

Step into the high quality LAMP Web Hosting and development based on your requirements.
LAMP is an acronym for Linux Apache MySQL PHP/Perl. A LAMP environment provides you with all of the standard tools you need to create a dynamic and efficient website.
• Linux (operating system)
• Apache (Web server)
• MySQL (database management system) (or database server)
• Perl, PHP, Python (scripting/programming languages)

You will be able to run PHP, Perl CGI’s, use Apache Server Side Includes (SSI) and communicate with a MySQL database using PHP, Perl-DBI or with your own binary CGI.

Our LAMP web hosting packages is subject to standard features like weekly backups, access statistics, etc.

——————————————————— Hosting

ASP.NET is a technology for building powerful, dynamic Web applications and is part of the .NET Framework.

ASP.NET makes building real world Web applications dramatically easier. ASP.NET server controls enable an HTML-like style of declarative programming that lets you build great pages with far less code than with classic ASP or technologies like PHP or JSP. Best of all, ASP.NET pages work in all browsers – including Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Internet Explorer.

ASP.NET makes building Web applications dramatically easier with far less code! ASP.NET is a set of technologies in the Microsoft® .NET Framework for building Web applications and XML Web services. ASP.NET pages execute on the server and generate markup such as HTML, WML, or XML that is sent to a browser. Unlike classic ASP, which supports only interpreted VBScript and JScript, ASP.NET supports multiple .NET languages (including built-in support for VB.NET, C#, and JScript.NET), giving you unprecedented flexibility in your choice of languages.

You can check out our Basic Web Hosting Packages for more information.

You can download the application here:

Windows form

Linux form

Dedicated Hosting

BNSHosting provides you with both the infrastructure AND the server hardware. This option is similar to co-location hosting, but with this option, you are spared from having to invest in a separate server.

In addition, we can stretch your budget further, by allowing you to ‘rent’ the software (Windows 2003, Microsoft SQL, Exchange, Sharepoint, CRM etc)…instead of buying the software outright. This is because Bitstop is only one of two Microsoft SPLA (Service Provider Licensing Agreement) holder.

Because the server is dedicated to you alone, you have better control over the applications that you install, and have an unlimited number of domains to install and support.

Dedicated WINDOWS

• Operating system: Microsoft Windows 2003 Standard Edition
• Processor : Intel Pentium 4 2.8Ghz
• Memory : 1,024MB
• Hard drive(s) : 1 x 80GB

• One (1) routable IP address per server
• 10/100 Mbps Ethernet switch port access
• Bandwidth (shared): can burst up to 2Mbps

• Monthly recurring rate: Php14,000.00/server
• One-time setup fee: Php1,500.00

*Maximum of 5 client access license (CAL); please call if additional CALs are required.

Dedicated LINUX

• Operating System : Linux Redhat 9.0 / Fedora Core
• Processor : Pentium 4 1.6Ghz
• Memory : 256MB RAM
• Hard drive : 1 x 80gb

• One (1) routable IP address
• 10/100 Mbps Ethernet switch port access
• Bandwidth (shared) : can burst up to 2mbps bandwidth
• Minimum Term : 18 months

• Monthly recurring rate : STANDARD Php 12,500.00/server
• One-time setup fee : Php 1,500.00/server

Co-Location Hosting

Co-located Server

Clients typically choose to have their own servers hosted in our data center. This is ideal when you want to run high-volume web sites, custom applications or simply require a higher level of security and performance than a shared hosting solution can offer.

From simply maintaining your operating system to full management of all services, BNS Hosting offers proactive server management with reasonable rates.

Our rates for co-located server will depend on the wattage of the power supply. In general, the higher the power supply wattage, the higher the power consumption, and hence there will be a corresponding higher monthly co-location fee.

Basic Linux Packages

Experience our Linux-based basic hosting packages.

Features Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
Bandwidth Monitoring
Data transfer per month 1GB 2G 4GB 8GB
Analog Web/FTP Analyzer N N Y Y
System Limits
Web Storage Size 50MB 150MB 400MB 550MB
Max E-mail 5 10 20 30
Max Mailbox Size 10MB 15MB 20MB 25MB
Web Service
Apache 2.0 Y Y Y Y
Perl Y Y Y Y
Microsoft Frontpage Extensions O O O O
File Management
Backup / Restore Function Y Y Y Y
Online File Manager Y Y Y Y
Mail Access
Web-based E-mail Access Y Y Y Y
Autoreply / Vacation / Forwarding Y Y Y Y
Mailing Lists Y Y Y Y
Anti-Spam / Anti-Virus Y Y Y Y

Virtual Private Server

Virtual Private Server offers a good balance between total control (root access privilege) and a tight budget. Having a VPS account is just like operating a dedicated server.

BNS Hosting’s VPS Offers:

  • Total root privilege

  • Freedom to install any software and configure your account the way you want it.

  • Security. In a traditional shared hosting environment, one account can access other’s files when not secured properly. It is a well known fact that people can read other’s passwords located in php files since they are all running under the web server’s privilege, and gain access to sensitive data.

    A VPS account (disk space, memory) is totally isolated from other VPS accounts, because each VPS account is located in its own “Virtual Environment”. Other VPS accounts can not access your files nor data in the memory. You will have your own copy of apache, dns servers, database server, and user accounts. This VPS security model makes it ideal for secure credit card processing in e-commerce applications.

  • Performance guarantee. BNS Hosting’s VPS utilizes virtualization technology that provides performance guarantee to your VPS account, so that no matter what other VPSs are doing, your VPS environment will continue to receive guaranteed amount of CPU, Memory and network resources.

  • Since VPS gives you full root access, you can set up any services, or daemons as you like, such as DNS servers, email servers, web servers, java servlet, database servers and more. Imagine having a dedicated server now with at a very affordable price.

Experience the advanced Virtual Private Server powered by the Bitstop Network Service network, one of the most connected network providers in the industry, with cost effective solutions that are totally under your control. With the VPS control panel, managing day-to-day tasks is quick and easy.

Download more information about our VPS service (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader).

Shared Hosting

If you are looking for an economical hosting for your website, then go SHARED!

Shared Web Hosting service is where more than one web site is hosted on the same server. It is generally the most economical option for hosting as many people share the overall cost of server maintenance.

In shared hosting, the provider is generally responsible for management of servers, installation of server software, security updates and other aspects of the service.

BNS Hosting offers both LAMP and ASP.NET Shared Hosting.


LAMP Hosting

Step into the high quality LAMP Web Hosting and development based on your requirements.
LAMP is an acronym for Linux Apache MySQL PHP/Perl. A LAMP environment provides you with all of the standard tools you need to create a dynamic and efficient website.
• Linux (operating system)
• Apache (Web server)
• MySQL (database management system) (or database server)
• Perl, PHP, Python (scripting/programming languages)

You will be able to run PHP, Perl CGI’s, use Apache Server Side Includes (SSI) and communicate with a MySQL database using PHP, Perl-DBI or with your own binary CGI.

Our LAMP web hosting packages is subject to standard features like weekly backups, access statistics, etc.

——————————————————— Hosting

ASP.NET is a technology for building powerful, dynamic Web applications and is part of the .NET Framework.

ASP.NET makes building real world Web applications dramatically easier. ASP.NET server controls enable an HTML-like style of declarative programming that lets you build great pages with far less code than with classic ASP or technologies like PHP or JSP. Best of all, ASP.NET pages work in all browsers – including Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Internet Explorer.

ASP.NET makes building Web applications dramatically easier with far less code! ASP.NET is a set of technologies in the Microsoft® .NET Framework for building Web applications and XML Web services. ASP.NET pages execute on the server and generate markup such as HTML, WML, or XML that is sent to a browser. Unlike classic ASP, which supports only interpreted VBScript and JScript, ASP.NET supports multiple .NET languages (including built-in support for VB.NET, C#, and JScript.NET), giving you unprecedented flexibility in your choice of languages.

VPS Hosting

Virtual Private Server offers a good balance between total control (root access privilege) and a tight budget. Having a VPS account is just like operating a dedicated server.

BNS Hosting’s VPS Offers:

  • Total root privilege
  • Freedom to install any software and configure your account the way you want it.
  • Security. In a traditional shared hosting environment, one account can access other’s files when not secured properly. It is a well known fact that people can read other’s passwords located in php files since they are all running under the web server’s privilege, and gain access to sensitive data.A VPS account (disk space, memory) is totally isolated from other VPS accounts, because each VPS account is located in its own “Virtual Environment”. Other VPS accounts can not access your files nor data in the memory. You will have your own copy of apache, dns servers, database server, and user accounts. This VPS security model makes it ideal for secure credit card processing in e-commerce applications.
  • Performance guarantee. BNS Hosting’s VPS utilizes virtualization technology that provides performance guarantee to your VPS account, so that no matter what other VPSs are doing, your VPS environment will continue to receive guaranteed amount of CPU, Memory and network resources.
  • Since VPS gives you full root access, you can set up any services, or daemons as you like, such as DNS servers, email servers, web servers, java servlet, database servers and more. Imagine having a dedicated server now with at a very affordable price.

Experience the advanced Virtual Private Server powered by the Bitstop Network Service network, one of the most connected network providers in the industry, with cost effective solutions that are totally under your control. With the VPS control panel, managing day-to-day tasks is quick and easy.

Dedicated Hosting

BNSHosting provides you with both the infrastructure AND the server hardware. This option is similar to co-location hosting, but with this option, you are spared from having to invest in a separate server.

In addition, we can stretch your budget further, by allowing you to ‘rent’ the software (Windows 2003, Microsoft SQL, Exchange, Sharepoint, CRM etc)…instead of buying the software outright. This is because Bitstop is only one of two Microsoft SPLA (Service Provider Licensing Agreement) holder.

Because the server is dedicated to you alone, you have better control over the applications that you install, and have an unlimited number of domains to install and support.

Dedicated WINDOWS

• Operating system: Microsoft Windows 2003 Standard Edition
• Processor : Intel Pentium 4 2.8Ghz
• Memory : 1,024MB
• Hard drive(s) : 1 x 80GB

• One (1) routable IP address per server
• 10/100 Mbps Ethernet switch port access
• Bandwidth (shared): can burst up to 2Mbps

• Monthly recurring rate: Php14,000.00/server
• One-time setup fee: Php1,500.00

*Maximum of 5 client access license (CAL); please call if additional CALs are required.

Dedicated LINUX

• Operating System : Linux Redhat 9.0 / Fedora Core
• Processor : Pentium 4 1.6Ghz
• Memory : 256MB RAM
• Hard drive : 1 x 80gb

• One (1) routable IP address
• 10/100 Mbps Ethernet switch port access
• Bandwidth (shared) : can burst up to 2mbps bandwidth
• Minimum Term : 18 months

• Monthly recurring rate : STANDARD Php 12,500.00/server
• One-time setup fee : Php 1,500.00/server