The Bio-Energizing Zapper is a tool used by some Oriental doctors to kill parasites and was invented by the Division of Inter-Faith Church Ministries Inc., State of Washington, Affiliated with The Assemblies of God International, with Missions in the Philippines,

Doctors use it in the Philippines as Alternative treatment curing Prostate Cancer, Fibromyalgia Cancers, Shingles, Hepatitis C, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Colon Cancer, Breast Cancer, Syphilis, Tuberculosis, Ovarian Cancer, Chronic-Fatigue, Miscarriages, Influenza, Lyme Disease, Migraine Headaches, Melanoma Cancer, Heart Worms, Coronary Heart Disease, Strokes for the Filipinos.

Check out their website for further reading of their product and testimonials.

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