Reducing your email’s spam score

BNShosting came upon several of our clients whose emails were tagged as spam by spam assassin. Obviously, a score of 4.3 and above would generally trigger the [spam] message and other email clients would send it off to the junk folder. So their email may not end up being read by their recipients.

To learn how to reduce the spam score of emails being sent out, you need to avoid things that spammers generally use in their emails. This site offers valuable ideas:

The summary of things to lower spam score:

1. Avoid using words like “Click below”, “Risk free” , “To be remove, reply via email”
2. Avoide using HTML format
3. Excessive capitalization (Yelling)
4. Avoid using toll free number
5. Avoid making Offers, discounts, promotions, $$$,
6. Do use SPF (Sender Provider Format) on your email domain
7. Dont include a disclaimer that your email is NOT spam.
8. Use open and conversational language

To check out your email before you send them out:

One thought to “Reducing your email’s spam score”

  1. This is great information. I had to write something on this and I think the comment about not writing this is NOT spam is excellent. This is exactly the kind of comment that makes me judge an email as complete spam 🙂

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