BNS is calling for urgent and rational review of the Proposed Draft NTC Memo cirular caling for registration of web content.
In essence this circular aims to require content providers (website owners, bloggers) to register with the NTC at the following amounts: Filing Fee of 300.00, Annual Registration fee of 6,000.00, with surcharge and penalties of 50% and 100% if the application is filed before or after 6 months from date of expiry.
From a hosting perspective, this registration requirement would add undue burden to our hosted clients in terms of additional procedures AND annual fees. This increases the costs of an online presence. Hosting clients and hosting companies in the Philippines would not be competitve because of this. It makes hosted sites in the Philippines more expensive compared to other countries.
Due to the worldwide nature of hosting service, clients may opt instead to be hosted OUTSIDE of the Philippines. Thus, not only will this regulation become moot and inutile, it would also cause the death on online businesses in the Philippines. This forces businesses away from the Philippines.
In the end, this will in fact hamper the growth of online content in the Philippines, rather than stimulate it.
As the draft purpotedly aims to “promote a fair, efficient and responsive market to stimulate growth and development of the telecommunications facilities and services” under RA 7925, this requirement for registration coupled with huge fees rans counter to RA 7925.
It will kill rather than stimulate growth.
If the aim is to protect consumers, hosting companies maintains records of the owners of sites. If there are issues with the website, hosting companies and service providers have the records to assist the Philippine Government protect the interests of the consuming public.
A registration procedure coupled with high annual fees is NOT needed to be able to identify the owners of the website.
This memo should be dump! the government is certainly doing all its effort to kill our business by adding more taxes, fees and beaucratic process. They should instead stimulate entreprenuership and advocate revenue streams… that will actually help the country in whole.
Whoever thought of this is damm stupid!
This memo should be scrapped. You cannot tax people to create knowledge. This will drive away business for the country. There is no way to stimulate Filipino minds to create knowledge. Knowledge is the only key for our country to survive and we should help people to create content freely to bring the whole world to the Philippines. This memo will just isolate the country. This is ridiculous and crazy.
There is also a provision to allow foreigners to come in to the country to operated similar business.
If the Philippines grants this, the philippine should make sure that there is a parity right involved…ie. that philippine companies can also do business in the same industry in the country of the foreign operator.
Otherwise, this would be unfair competition, and the philippines is giving up something for NOTHING.
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No, this is not good. Is there a precedent for NTC to do this?
There goes your privacy and your P6,300.