Social Networking and eBusiness Conference

The 2nd Social Networking and e-Business Conference 2009 ‘Reaching and Connecting to Customers Through Social Networks’

April 23-24, 2009 Hotel Intercontinental, Makati City, Philippines

Leveraging on Social Media Sites

What works in digital marketing during tough times?

The phenomenon of online social networks has created real-life and business relationships amongst advertisers, users and consumers of today’s digital marketplaces. The growth and popularity of social networks is rapidly changing marketing and advertising campaigns and e-business.

Express yourself, share your interest, post your photos, share your music, connect with friends, make new connections, and exchange insights — this is now the growing trend of communications and engagement with your customers.

Gain insights on how to maximize the sue of social networks. Learn from various case studies. Learn from various Experts sharing their unique perspectives on the phenomenon of social networks. Learn how social networking works!

Who Should Attend:

Social Networkers, Bloggers, Web 2.0 Practitioners, Interactive Marketers, General Managers/Managing Directors, CEOs, CRM Managers, Direct Marketing Managers, Database Managers, IT Managers, Brand Managers, Product Managers, Advertising Managers, Corporate Communication Managers, Marketing Managers, Media Managers, Content Providers and those involved in marketing/advertising/e-commerce using the internet and mobile.

Registration Fee:

– P9,500.00 for 2 days inclusive of snacks, lunch, and conference kit.
– 15% for Digital Filipino Club and Members
– 10% Early Bird with payment due March 16, 2009
– For a group of 5, One is FREE.



DAY 1, April 23, 2009, Thursday

Keynote Address
Speaker: Friendster

1. Harnessing the Top Social Media Sites
Speaker: Janette Toral, DigitalFilipino Club

A presentation of top social networks in the Philippines and the world and its characteristics and strengths; how can companies and entrepreneurs tap each social networks to promote their products and services.

2. Application Platforms Race to Micro-Payments
– Paul Hubbard, YesPayments

Application platforms, such as, Facebook now has tens of thousands of applications. MySpace, which mostly relies on Google’s OpenSocial platform, has 4,500 apps available to users, and 211 million applications have been installed. The iPhone, which only launched its App Store in July 2008, has more than 10,000 applications, and they’ve been downloaded 300 million times. Developments are now happening on the micro-payment side and this is the session that will provide updates.

3. Real-time News Service
Speaker: Yahoo Philippines

With internet users demanding for more real time news, this session provides a perspective on how online publications allow users to personalize and filter the real time news stream from blogs and traditional news sites. It will also look into how aggregators rank news, blogs, authors, and publications by authority.

5. Using Mobile Technologies to Extend Social Networking
Speaker: Jim Ayson, Product Manager, VAS, Smart Communications, Inc

This session will present the use of mobile technologies as a tool for extending social networking, such as — the expansion of existing social networks into the mobile space (facebook, friendster, linked in); the creation of mobile-based micro blogging networks (twitter, plurk); the creation of mobile based social networks; the expansion of the mobile internet in the Philippines; the efforts of mobile operators to build bridges to social networks; and, the opportunities for both social network users and content providers.

6. Digital Marketing Through Online Games
Speaker: Jane Walker, CEO, Level-Up Games

Another very popular form of advertising campaign plaguing the young market is advergaming in the Philippines. Level-up your product marketing and advertising campaign though online games! Learn from successful case studies of advergaming.

7. Advance Social Networking and Advertising
– Adonis C. Yap, President, and
– Paolo Pineda, Managing Director, ABS-CBN Interactive/Multiply

This session will explore the use of social networking sites by power users, SMEs, and businesses. Learn from various case studies of and Multiply.

8. Enabling SMEs Through Internet and Other Technologies
Speaker: Christian Lim, Product Manager, SMEG Marketing

Discusses the state of internet penetrate in the Philippines, especially the SMEs – how SMEs utilize broadband connectivity in their businesses and what are the emerging technologies that Filipino entrepreneurs can use.

DAY 2, April 24, 2009, Friday

Keynote Address

1. Data Privacy in Social Networks
Speaker: – Atty. JJ Disini, UP College of Law

With so much information being shared online, this session intends to discuss the various policies locally and global standards being adopted to protect user data.

2. Application Development Platform Updates
– Wilson Chua, CEO, Bitstop
– Yahoo!SEA Representative

Developer programs tackled for MSN, Friendster, Google, and Yahoo! What are the updates to learn from these developers?

3. Having a Start-Up Business in Web 3.0 era
Speaker: Ranulf Goss, SunGame

Focuses on how new and current companies are adopting to the fast changing social networking business model to survive, attract investors, and thrive.

4. Search Engine Marketing and Optimization Best Practices
– Wendy Ang, CEO,
– Janette Toral, Founder, Digital Filipino Club

Best practices on search engine marketing and optimization of web sites with case studies to illustrate and learn from.

5. Philippine Music Surviving the Download Era
Speaker: Jay Frank De Jesus, TitikPilipino

Session explores how the Philippine music industry executives, online music vendors, composers, and artists embrace online streaming, online retail and music download, adapt this trend, takes advantage of e-Business, and spread the word through Internet-powered avid-followers here and abroad.

6. DigitalFilipino Social Networking Awards Ceremony The Best in Social Networking – TBA (Winners in Social Network, Widgets, Social Bookmarks, Photo Sharing, Social Shopping, Video Sharing, Micro Blogs, Search Engine Marketing, and Blogs).

For details, please contact the Event Manager at telephone numbers; +632 – 8960639, 8960637, 8996216 Fax: +632 – 8960637, 8902101, email:, visit web site:,

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