hosted at BNS HostingSolsona was created as a municipality in 1880, followed by the organization of the barrios. Solsona, also called as the “Zone of the Rising Sun”, which, to the Spaniards, is “Zona del Sol”. Solsona, after all, is coined from the Spanish phrase, Zona del Sol. This town is so appropriately named as it boasts of a beautiful scenery as the morning sun majestically rises from the Cordillera Ranges.

Solsona continues to climb to its summit and it gives pride to every Solsonian in the world. And as a way to thank the Lord for His eternal love and supervision, Solsona, through the efforts and passion of its people, will be dynamically conducting a month-long celebration in January 2010 in time for the 3rd Gameng Festival.

As it is being called the “Land of Sunrise”, Solsona will continue to shine its radiance in the years to come.

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