Web Ranking -What it is and why it is important for your website

Before, when the rest of the world were just waking up to the benefits of a website (web presence), the issue of website ranking in search results pages like google, yahoo and msn was not important. Because back then, your website would be probably be listed on the first page.

But that has since change since more and more companies are putting up websites of their own. The search results pages that your potential client gets back from google, msn, and yahoo, may not list you on the first page.

And studies have shown that searchers do not typically get past the second page. The implication here is that if your website is not listed in the top 2 pages of search enginee results, then your traffic will drop dramatically.

Conversely, having your website listed on the top 2 pages of search engine results will gain you more traffic!

This is why BNSHosting is now offering our web ranking service for our clients. Our service includes keyword research and recommendation, traffic monitoring and analysis, and all the other ‘trade secret’ stuff that needs to be done to place your site on the top pages of search results pages.

Contact us to find out more by clicking on the “Live Support” icon (if it says “online”) or send an email to team[at]bnshosting.net

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