Join Philippine Web Developer Listings
BNS Hosting is joining a tender to provide up to 2000 websites a year, in this regard, we are looking for web developers to join our central database so we can farm out the web development work. If we win the tender, we will need a lot of web developers for this project!
Benefits of Listing in Philippine Web Developers
Heres how to get listed in Philippine Web Developers
To join web developer listing, kindly email team[at] with the following details:
In the subject line, please put “Philippine Web Developer Listing Submission”
In the body of the email, please indicate the following:Firstname, Lastname, MI
Contact hand phone,
Street Address
City, State, country, zipcodeWeb Development software used
Web Development reference works
We are Caline Images Networks that was founded in the year 2004. . We focus on the clients goals to bring their vision to life. Areas of expertise include government sector projects, dynamic content database driven websites, and e-commerce websites.
Hey! I commented here not just to linkback to my site ..just wanted to be clear on that 🙂 Anyway, I do freelance work.
this guy is an expert in custom wordpress sites.
He helped me with my website. Prices are very affordable. And very reliable with fast turnaround times. hope this helped 🙂
Its a good opportunity to all the web developers to show their skills as well as they can gain experienced in creating a website.
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From jerome Castaneda:
I need someone to help me upgrade my current website that I’ve started on wordpress.
What I need if possible is to change the theme uniquely that is SEO friendly that will have a personal touch or brand. Something that will create a Wow effect to any visitor. I plan to create an opt-in box to give some free very valuable stuffs.
You can reach me at drop me a mail there if you need more info.
Additional Project Information